Windows 95 GFX Programming

Here is my Windows programming tutorial. It will start of by explaining how Windows works, then will go on to basic Windows programming. After that it will go on to graphics with the Win32 API, and then finally onto DirectX (NOTE: I am using the DirectX 5.0 SDK - you need DirectX 5.0 or higher installed on your machine to run the DirectX programs. You should download the DirectX SDK from , for I will only be distributing the DirectX SDK files necessary to compile the programs presented. This means you WILL be able to compile all programs without the SDK, but you will miss the comprehensive help file and sample apps that come with it).

Code was developed for Watcom C/C++ 10.6, and should also work with Borland C++ 4.5 and higher, and Visual C++ 4.72 and higher. All code is developed for Windows 95/98.

Well, I finally found a way to get DirectX to compile with Borland C++ 4.52. So code will be developed for it as well.

  1. How Windows works

  2. A Windows "Hello World"

  3. A Program with a Window and dealing with messages 

  4. Basic Windows graphics - This will expand into a number of parts - NOT READY

  5. DirectX - This will expand into a number of parts - NOT READY
